Hi, everyone. My name is Matt Kafker, and I’m a graduate student studying theoretical nuclear physics at the University of Washington. I got my B.S. in physics and math from the University of Oregon. I hope to use this website to explore various passion projects, and to share the things I’m interested in with the world.

Why Stochastic Tinkering? This is a phase I picked up from Nassim Taleb’s inimitable book Antifragile. It describes the undirected process of trial and error which so frequently plays a role in scientific, technological, and artistic discovery. I do not know ahead of time what will become of the explorations I undertake on this blog. However, by freely exploring, following my interests where they lead, and abandoning that which empirically does not work, I am hopeful that this blog can evolve into something ever more valuable. I would be honored if you undertook the journey with me.

You can find my YouTube channel here.

If you would like to contact me, feel free to send me an email here: rhombic_hexecontahedron@protonmail.com

If you would like to support this blog by buying me a coffee, you can do so here.